Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall 2007
Thompson's Pumpkin Patch Naches, WA
Jase, Ella, Moira, Anya, Nathan, Brandon, Mom, and Me.
We had a great time watching the pumpkin cannon. The kids held their ears with huge smiles on their faces. Well, all except for Anya.
We ate pumpkin doughnuts and the kids picked out their very own pumpkins. Brandon helped Nathan with his pick. So he helped carry it at the end. We had
a wonderful time. I love seeing the
through the eyes of children.

Mikki and the kids even had a photographer from Yakima Herald following their cuteness around.

Those girls sure do look good together!

I was fortunate enough to be able to take some pictures of Mikki's girls this fall. We visited the arboretum in YakimaWA. Moira was sadly infected with the all to common, can't sit still for a pose if her life depended on it" itch. But, in the end the more candid shots were my favorite. As long as you have the patience child photography is among the most rewarding.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I am an avid gardner when it is convenient. I am not so good with the disciplined maintenance, but I love the beginning. Here are a few shots of the lucky patch of earth that donned the product of my efforts.

Hello Y'all

In a world of endless venues for illustrated journalism and narcissistic news, I long ago left my blog page in a dusty box, on the highest shelf, in the unreachable far left corner of a closet I never use. In short, I haven't blogged in a while. But, my vigor has been revived via exposure through my sis Heather and reinforcement through the inspiring work of Chad Phillips. Cheers.